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Wavin' atchya! - I'm DD!

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Would you like to know MY STORY? As in, how is it that I became an International Bestselling Author and then created LetLoveGlow Author Services (and now LetLoveGlow's Self-Publishing Academy) to help as many of you as possible write and publish the books of your hearts?

Here’s the scoop … THE DD SCOTT STORY (Part I)

And if you’re ready to go for your publishing dreams, you're in the right place!


I've gotchu, and I'm honored to light the Self-Publishing Path for YOU and the Books of Your Heart!

Cheers Hugs and Love — DD


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It was around 2016, and I had been an International Bestselling Author (with 39 books published, over 1.3 million books sold, and major bestseller lists appearances, including Amazon's #1 and Top 10, Top 100, Movers and Shakers, and #1 on Barnes & Noble) when I was asked to speak at a National Pen Women's Association event on Bird Key in Florida.


The incredible women in that room wanted to hear my story as to how I beat the odds in the publishing world. Basically, after writing for close to 20 years and trying for over 13 years to get published the traditional way (meaning with a Big NYC Publisher), I decided to burn the traditional publishing bridges (after a long night of bourbon at the bar of a convention center hotel I was teaching a writing class at in Ohio). I went home, fired my agent, and went the self-publishing route (which was brand new and in totally untested waters, thanks to a new little device called the Amazon Kindle). Oh, and I didn't just dive into self-publishing, either. In my much beloved and preferred style, I dove in Deep! 


Following my presentation, a woman raised her hand and asked, "Could you teach me how to do what you've done?"


Being a "just say yes" kinda gal, who then figures out all the details later, I answered with, "Yessss, I suppose I could do that!"


"How much would you charge me?" the same woman asked.


"I have no idea as I've never done that before!" I followed up that answer with the big laugh that I'm occasionally teased about.


Six years later, the company I created from that single question -- LetLoveGlow Author Services - has now helped over 300 authors write and publish the books of their hearts, now totally over 1000 books, many of which have also hit bestseller lists!


I was the first entrepreneur to create a company that literally (pun intended) "does it all" for an author -- from cover design, to editing, to ebook and paperback formatting, to uploading/publishing on Amazon KDP, author and book branding, and the design of promotional materials and strategy. And ... LetLoveGlow Author Services does all that WITHOUT taking a percentage of an author's royalties, something I do not believe in. As I like to say, "Your book is YOUR baby, not mine. They're YOUR Intellectual Property rights, not mine. And, in today's Wild West publishing environment, where a book has the opportunity to be turned into a television series or movie or the story behind some new game, YOU (as the Author) want to hang onto those rights and cash in!"


I also believe in the power of love and light and laughter, and I knew that I could create a publishing culture and community that has those concepts as their core. And thus ... LetLoveGlow Author Services has become an incredibly kind and wonderfully fun and supportive place to write and publish the books of your heart.


As I always sign off:


"Cheers, Hugs, and Love, Sweet Friends! Let's crank out some books!"

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Let’s Work Together to 
Publish the 
Books of Your Heart!

Indianapolis, IN

Thanks for reaching out to me!
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