Developmental Editing
DD's Editing Services are one-of-a-kind writing craft adventures! Through a series of Zoom Sessions, she works one-on-one with each of her authors to teach writing craft basics as well as develop each author's unique writing voice and way of storytelling. As she likes to say: "It's not about how DD Scott or the Chicago Elements of Style would write it, it's how YOU (as the author) would write it."
Price: Begins at $2200
(for up to a 300 page manuscript)
Ebook & Paperback
The key to publishing a reader-friendly book is all in the formatting. DD knows all the tricks and tips and has all the tools to design gorgeous books for your readers' favorite ebook devices and ereading apps as well as the versions they hold in their hands.
Ebook Formatting Begins at $222
Paperback Formatting Begins at $333
(Extra fees may apply when there are multiple images or if it's a children's picture book)

are Available, Too!
Most of DD's Authors prefer to have "DD do it all"! That's really the magic of LetLoveGlow Author Services. It's an author's one-stop-shop for everything needed to write and publish the books of their heart!
Packages including all kinds of combinations of the
a la carte items listed begin at $4000.