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Self-Publishing Tip Guides and Workbooks are Now Available!

I'm sooo excited to let you all know that I'm now creating lots of fabulous Self-Publishing Tip Guides and Workbooks, and the first 2 are now available!

Here's the link so you can Download Your Copies TODAY!

First up is a fantastic FREEBIE -- 11 Big Reasons to Self-Publish (Instead of Signing with a Publisher)!

And next - and for a Limited Launch Price of $1 - you can Download my first Self-Publishing Workbook - Format Your Ebook For KDP! (It's 22 pages of step-by-step instructions on how to ebook format ... for fiction/non-fiction books, excluding illustrated children's books, which is an entirely different ballgame.)

I'm doing all I can to make sure that each of you, who have books of your heart that you want to write and publish, can do so on your own at your own pace (by using my Guides & Workbooks) or with me personally, if you choose to hire me for one-on-one coaching.

Let me know how you're doing with all of these wonderful new resources that I'm honored to create just for you!

I love to light the self-publishing path for you and the books of your heart!

Cheers Hugs and Love --- DD

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